Greetings All,
Today I'd like to talk about expectations and travel. Expectations can really make or break your travel experience. For example, we have spent the last three days and quite a bit of money to get ourselves out to the Valdez Peninsula, famous for Orcas who eat seals off the beach and rare right whales. Sounds pretty awesome right? Maybe in December. Right about now, the only town on the peninsula, Puerto Piramedes is a wasteland, there are no whales and it will cost you an arm and a leg to drive 70 mph down a gravel road, slipping and sliding the whole way, only to catch a fleeting glimpse of an ornery Magellan penguin as it waddles away to some more desirable location (See above).
Now, should you arrive at Puerto Piramides expecting a shanty-town instead of a campground, complete with all night drum circles and midnight motorcycle rallies, you will be thrilled with what you find there. You may even have the time of your life. It took some re-adjusting of our expectations but in the end Puerto Piramides was not really so bad. And, it certainly made our splurge on a hostel here in Puerto Madryn seem extra awesome (wifi and running water . . . both incredible luxuries).
Tomorrow we take a six hour bus ride to Viedma where we will catch a Friday train to Bariloche. Now there is something I'm excited about. Also tried to include photos of Doug, Recoleta Cemetery, and Sea Lions but the Internet is not working so well. Hopefully I can have a photo post tomorrow!
Until then!
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