Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A new beginning

If anyone out there is still reading this blog after more than two years, shame on you! Go out and get yourself a life. Do not continue reading . . . seriously don't. It isn't worth your time.

I am taking this blog back up as an outlet. Grad school has created a vast chasm in my soul or perhaps just brought its existence to my attention. In either case, something must be done and so yet another self important blog begins . . . again . . . for the second time. Maybe it will turn into something but it is far more likely that I will never post again after today. Nevertheless, there is something freeing about writing about inner turmoil and then sending out into the ether via the far reaching fingers of the internet so I am going to do it.

This blog will now be a compilation of whatever I want to write about for the day. I am hoping that just forcing myself to write a little bit of non-academic non-jargon realpeoplespeak will help me learn to write faster when I do have to sit down and punch out a draft in a couple of hours. Also, this may be just the thing I need to keep from turning into a scholar robot. Therefore I make no promises of spelling or grammar as this is my "no thinking" time. A distraction. A breath. Freedom.

I will include the occasional photo, video, or link to a noteworthy article that I want to rant about.


oh wait . . .

Red pandas are the best.