Thursday, December 31, 2009

Safe and Sound and Sane . . . Feliz Nuevo Ano

Greetings all,

I am writing to you from the comfort (or not) of my hostel here in Buenos Aires. More on that later. I promise I will have a fun and interesting post tomorrow on our adventures in the aeropuertos (airports) and our arrival here in BA. I can't write more now because Cyndi, Doug and I have gotten in to a bottle of Argentina's finest Malbec and I don't think I can do it justice. Now, I assure you that's the sleep deprivation talking not the wine, again I can tell you more about that tomorrow. In the meantime, know that Doug and I are safe in our hostel with Cyndi ringing in the new year. I wish you all the best enjoy the night and the new year!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

About this Blog

To the followers of my blog,

Right now, there are none of you. It is my hope that someday you will number in the thousands, no millions, no . . . well, let's be honest, I'm shooting for fifteen, just fifteen people. I know this is a rather high expectation and I know I'm not much of a draw and this seems like just be another pretentious travel blog but I'm really going to do my best to be entertaining and informative. At least my moms will read it! (Betsy, Susan, and Sharon I'm looking at you!)

Some entries will be funny, some political, some sappy, some silly, and some heartfelt. Feel free to ignore any post that doesn't suit your mood or interest. I will bore you with obnoxious alliteration, Hokey humor, and horrific metaphors but hopefully there will be some small aspect of this blog that is redeeming. What that will be I'm not sure yet (certainly not my spelling or grammar). Please bear with me as I try and get this behemoth off the ground. I will stumble, I will fall, but if you don't already know I'll always give up . . . oh wait. Never mind. If you know me, you'll know what I meant to say there. If you don't . . . what are you doing reading my blog? Get out of here! Seriously, you creeper. To the rest of you, enjoy my self indulgent rants . . . or just occasionally check in to see that I'm alive.

Thank you for your patience. Let the blather begin!